If you are curious about tooth pulp function and oral health, then you may be experiencing dental discomfort. Which might be linked to the tooth’s pulp, the innermost part containing nerves and blood vessels. The pulp’s role is to nourish the tooth and respond to external stimuli, like temperature changes. When damaged, this can lead to pain and sensitivity, and may result in more serious conditions like infection or abscesses. At our clinic, we offer a comfortable environment and use advanced technology to effectively address pulp-related issues. Our experienced team is well-equipped to handle your concerns, ensuring the health and functionality of your tooth pulp.
Tooth Pulp Important Functions
The pulp has numerous essential duties, including:
- Sensory function: Pain from trauma to the dentin and/or the pulp, temperature variations, and pressure caused by pulp stimulation.
- Production of dentin: The pulp is responsible for the generation of dentin. In response to trauma, the pulp produces secondary dentin, known as reparative dentin.
- Nourishment: The pulp contains blood vessels that keep blood flowing, preventing the tooth from becoming brittle by keeping your teeth moisturized and nourished.
Tooth Pulp Function and Oral Health:
Help to Prevent Disease
Occasionally, dental plaque can form and lead to cavities for people who don’t maintain healthy oral health practices, including brushing and flossing routinely. If left untreated, a dental cavity can form and ultimately negatively affect your tooth’s soft center (or pulp).
Diet: Watch Your Sugars and Snacks!
Decrease the amount and frequency of sugary food and drinks to reduce the amount of time the teeth your teeth are under attack from plaque acids. For example, skip snacks between meals to allow the teeth time to recover. If you do eat snacks regularly, then make sure to rinse your mouth with water, milk or mouthwash.
Oral Hygiene: Beat the Plaque Build-up
Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss your teeth and rinse with a mouthwash. In fact, a quality at-home oral hygiene routine combined with regular dental cleanings will help reduce plaque buildup.
Regular Check-ups with Your Dentist
Plaque doesn’t just decay your teeth; it also damages your gums when it builds up below the gum line. Early diagnoses and planning during a dental cleaning and checkup with your dentist are vital in preventing gum disease which may lead to tooth loss. Cavities need to be treated as soon as possible to prevent damage to the tooth pulp.
Symptoms of Pulp Diseases
Depending on the type of pulp disease, symptoms may differ in severity and can include:
- Experiencing pain in a tooth or teeth when eating sweet, hot, or cold foods or drinks
- Immediate, sharp pain in the mouth
- Infection in the mouth
Types of Pulp Disease
There are several different types of pulp diseases, including:
- Reversible pulpitis or mild inflammation of the pulp. Symptoms typically include pain when eating or drinking sweet, hot, or cold foods.
- Irreversible pulpitis or severe inflammation of the pulp. Symptoms include sudden intense pain. Left untreated, extensive gum and connective tissue infection. Irreversible pulpitis is treated with a root canal procedure. If that doesn’t work, your dentist may have to remove the tooth.
- Dental pulp calcification (also known as dental pulp stones). The hardening, or calcification, of the pulp tissue, results in hypersensitivity and extreme pain because the dental nerves become compressed. A root canal is usually needed to clear away the hardened mass.
- Dental pulp exposure. Occurs when damage to the external covering of the tooth occurs, such as a cavity or crack in the tooth, exposing the usually protected pulp to bacteria and irritating food particles. Pain is the most frequent symptom, and a mild infection can progress into a severe abscess without proper dental care. Depending on the degree of pulp exposure, a filling, root-canal procedure, or even tooth extraction may be required.
Pulp Disease Treatment: Root Canal Therapy
In situations where the pulp cannot heal itself, then the only way to prevent the infection from spreading is to repair and save the tooth with root canal therapy.
A root canal therapy requires one or more office visits, and here is what you can expect:
During your first visit, expect to take an X-ray to see the condition of your root canal to determine if there is an infection in the surrounding bone. The next step is to remove the diseased pulp is removed and the access hole, the root canal, is cleaned from side to side and enlarged. In some cases, sodium hypochlorite is used for flushing away debris and disinfecting the area. A temporary filling may be placed in the hole to keep contaminants out in-between visits. During your second visit, the temporary filling is removed, and a permanent filling is put in its place. In your final visit, there may be a need for further tooth restoration, and a crown or crown and post may be placed on the tooth to reinforce the tooth and make it stronger.
Tooth Pulp Function and Oral Health: Time for a check-up
Schedule A Comprehensive Dental Examination
If you’ve fallen behind on your dental health routine, we’re here to help you get back on track. Schedule a comprehensive dental examination at your trusted Port Coquitlam dental clinic. Located at 2663 Shaughnessy St., Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C3G7, we offer top-notch care and convenience for patients from Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, and beyond. Our approachable team, personalized care, and advanced technology ensure you receive the best service. Call us at 604-464-4131 or click here to request an appointment.